Doubts, Joseph's Diet, & Working on Sabbath - Line Upon Line

27 Nov 2023

Pastors John Bradshaw and Wes Peppers reveal Bible answers to these important questions:

01:04 Why do we continue to have doubts in our Christian lives?
07:18 Does hell really burn forever?
15:13 Does the Bible teach that once you walk away from God you can't return?
17:17 What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
20:22 What does the Bible mean when it tells us to be afraid of the One who can destroy soul and body in hell?
21:47 What kind of work is allowed on the Sabbath day?
25:12 Why were the children of Israel scolded for grumbling about not having water?
27:14 Did Joseph's diet contribute to him dying before his brothers?

Line Upon Line: Season 5, Episode 9